My Disclaimer

Please read this before you read the research material. I wish to express my own opinions on the various researchs and articles you will find here and offer an explanation.

1. After searching many sources, I try to find as much data as I can that I feel is appropriate to CFS.

2. After reading all the different research materials, I find that they often conflict with other research - thus making it difficult to decide what to print, ie. one research says to exercise and another says don't. We each know our limits and the Coping Strategies offered here also indicated that the most important thing about exercise is to know when to stop and to do it mildly. The Fifty Percent Solution also shows that we sometimes don't know our own limitations and therefore to do less than we think we can. So conflicting information on CFS is always available and it will all be here. I don't feel like being a censor - I'll print it all and know that you will take what you need and leave the rest.

3. I believe that all theories and research have something to offer does not mean that I believe any one particular study is totally correct . The research and studies that I have here (and will have more later) I believe all hold some truth. Each research either proves something we already know or offers an explanation for something. Many times I thought as I was typing - this doesn't make sense but then again - sometimes it does. Since I believe that each research and each article printed here has something to offer and I do not want to censor and only put up material that I agree with, I am leaving it up to you. Take what you want from the article and leave the rest.

4. If I only printed articles and research material I liked and totally agreed with, I would be doing everyone that visits my site an injustice. My site was created for information and knowledge on CFS. This can only be achieved if I use as many research materials as I find.

5. I know that CFS people are smart (I'm one LOL!!) and I know that they will view this research as they would any other. Experienced CFS patients will have been down the road of many different trials on their quest to get well, so they know what is best for themselves. They will take what they need and throw away the rest. That's fine with me. That's what research is all about and that's what theories are all about. It is only an opinion (usually justified with various other sources - but that doesn't make it totally true and/or factual.

6. Research is always ongoing and therefore constantly changing. Look at the research done on AIDS. Over the last 20 years - so much more knowledge has been acquired but it's still ongoing because with all this knowledge - they still haven't found a cure.

7. My final point is: Read the research, take what you like from it and throw the rest away. Most of it is good stuff, but I personally don't agree with ALL of it. I believe that most of this research will some day be ancient history as they get closer to discovering what CFS is. See, that is the main problem with most research - they suggest reasons for it but still can't find the cause.  If you can't find a cause - how can you claim you have a cure. There is also another important issue of why one should not take one article only and try to apply it - we all know that with CFS, our symptoms and severity all differ, therefore being individuals - what works for one - won't necessarily work for someone else.

I have had CFS for 18 years and I've tried mostly everything. If some one said they tried this and it worked for them - I did the usual CFS walk...went out and bought it, tried it, and it didn't do anything for me. It's not that I don't believe in Alternative Treatments - I just know that due to CFS and how it affects each of us so differently (even when we have the same virus)that what works for one person won't necessarily work for another.

8. I keep getting e-mail from desperate CFS people who are new to this disease and want to know about some new therapy or treatment that they heard of. Here are my opinions on this:
First - DON'T ASK ME ! I'm not a doctor, I'm not a researcher and I have no clue on how to cure CFS - I'm just another CFS sufferer.

9. Although I've tried many Alternative treatments, I don't know about all of the various treatments or Alternative therapies, etc. and again what works for one person, will not necessarily work for another.

But due to the constant requests - I've located a site where various Alternative Treatments are available and what is said about them. I will be putting up an article soon called "Chronic FEE Syndrome". CFS is a frustrating illness, unless you're one of the people making money out of it.
You'll love that article and perhaps you'll understand why so many people are trying to get you to try their products. It also makes it worse because some CFS person will try a certain therapy and it may seem to make them feel better so they suggest it to others.

Remember one thing...there is a small percentage of CFS people who do get well.This small percentage (I believe it's 2% usually recover within the first year/6years ). This does not mean that the rest of us have been bad or are being punished because we didn't do something right. It's one of those someone who walks away from being diagnosed with cancer and recovers. This happens but not to every cancer person and neither does it happen to every CFS person. Also remember if there really was a cure out there, I'm sure every CFS person would know about it and you wouldn't be seeing any of our sites.

Remember one thing - CFS is a disease that affects each of us very differently and our symptoms vary in their severity. So,
I may be repeating myself but I want to continue to emphasize that what works for one person - will not necessarily work for another.

If you read the articles and research material - you will see what is best for you.


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