The Gifts of CFS

by Brenda Sheridan (taken from the MEssenger dated July/August 1995

Because of CFIDS, I have some special things in my life.

I have strength. My strength comes from within. It is something I admired in others, and one day I realized, I have that strength. It comes from years of fighting a chronic disease and my determination to have a happy life anyway (and I do).

I have faith. Faith in the Lord and faith that He has a plan for me and maybe CFIDS is part of that plan, so that I might help others and make a difference in someone's life.

I have courage. Courage to face those who don't believe in CFIDS. Courage to face the doctors who doubt us. Courage to make a difference and be heard.

I have talent and intelligence. It took me years to realize this. This past year I found I have talent in writing.  I have had many accomplishments and plan to have man more. But most
of all I can use my writing to do what I always wanted to do and that is to help others.

I have determination.  I'm determined to educate and spread awarenss on CFIDS. I'm determined to help others in their struggle and ease someone's load.

I have compassion. Compassion for others with disabilities, handicaps, diseases, etc.

I have knowledge.  Years of searching for an answer gives you knowledge. Researching every new symptom, treatment, medication, etc. gives you knowledge. Most of us with CFIDS, should have honorary medical degrees.

I have people. People who love me despite this disease. They love me for who I am. Because I have love, I am able to love others.

I have friends who love and support me. They understand and brighten my days.  Without CFIDS, I wouldn't have met them.

I have a great marriage. My husband loves me and sticks by me. I don't have to question if he'll love me in sickness or health. He feel in love with me, even though I'm sick. I love my husband and am proud to be his wife. He has heard from those who "don't believe in CFIDS" and has defended and protected me against them.

I have worth.  We all do.

I have happiness. I have a great life.

CFIDS has shown me what is important in life.

I have appreciation.Appreciation for all the good in my life. Appreciation for every moment I'm not in pain. Appreciation for the love and support of my family and friends. And appreciation for all the good doctors who care and stick by us, and the researchers who search every day for a cause, treatment, and cure.

I have family. My mom, husband, Lorri, Fran, and all PWC's, diagnosed and still to be diagnosed.

Through those who care for me, I have learned to care for others.

Yes, I have many special things in my life because of CFIDS. I like the person CFIDS has made me.

How about you? How many blessings have CFIDS given you?
Take some time and count them. You just might be surprised.
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