Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

As You Grew

As you grew, no matter what happened we looked at the sunny side of life.
As you leave, take with you the wisdom to focus on the "good" in life!

As you grew, we helped you avoid unnecessary worry.
As you leave, remember that 90% of what you worry about never happens.

As you grew, we encouraged you to be open and direct.
As you leave, never lose your honesty with those whom you speak.

As you grew, we helped you find solutions.
As you leave, always remember there is a solution to every problem.

As you grew, we encouraged individual thought and action.
As you leave, continue to be independent and persevere
when faced with life's challenges.

As you grew, we reinforced the value of family & friends.
As you leave, always make time for family and friends.

As you grew, we shared many happy times.
As you leave, always take time to laugh every day.

As you grew, we taught you values, right from wrong.
As you leave, always stay true to your own values, don't be influenced by others.

As you grew, we taught you to set goals and take action.
As you leave,
may all your dreams turn into goals.

As you grew, we emphasized money is not happiness.
As you leave, always cherish the simple things in life!

As you grew, we encouraged you to live each day,
As you leave, take with you the thought that each day you are given is a "present"!

Catherine & Byron Pulsifer

By Catherine & Byron Pulsifer


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