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Index of what is on this page

What is Abuse?
Abuse Statistics
More Amazing Abuse Statistics
Why Doesn't She Leave?

What is Abuse?
Abuse is not just being hit. Abuse is any action that is harmful or controlling and that affects the the well-being of another person. Many people use the term "Abuse" to signify physical abuse but there are many many more ways of abusing someone than beating them. Physical abuse is the most horrifying and most noticeable of them all, but it is only one of the many types of abuse.

Abuse has many forms and a variety of types. I deal with Child Abuse on my Children's Realm, so this site is totally devoted to just one variety - Domestic Violence (Wife Abuse).There is a wide variety of different types of of Domestic Violence. There are seven types of Wife Abuse -
7 Types of Wife Abuse

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Abuse Statistics
The Department of Justice reports the following facts:

Women were attacked about six times more often by offenders with whom they had an intimate relationship than were male violence victims during 1992 and 1993.

During each year women were the victims of more than 4.5 million violent crimes, including approximately 500,000 rapes or other sexual assaults.

In 29 percent of the violent crimes against women by lone offenders the perpetrators were intimates--husbands, former husbands, boyfriends or former boyfriends.

The victims' friends or acquaintances committed more than half of the rapes and sexual assaults, intimates committed 26 percent, and strangers were responsible for about one in five.

Forty-five percent of all violent attacks against female victims 12 years old and older by multiple offenders also involved offenders they knew.

During 1992 approximately 28 percent of female homicide victims (1,414 women) were known to have been killed by their husbands, former husbands or boyfriends.

In contrast, just over 3 percent of male homicide victims (637) were known to have been killed by their wives, former wives or girlfriends.

Men, however, were more likely than women to experience violent crimes committed by both acquaintances and strangers.

Estimating rates of violence against women, especially sexual assault and other incidents committed by intimate offenders, continues to be a difficult task.

Many factors inhibit women from reporting these crimes either to police or to government interviewers. The private nature of the event, the perceived stigma and the belief that no purpose would be served in reporting the crime keeps an unknown portion of the victims from talking about the event.

Single copies of the special report, "Violence Against Women: Estimates from the Redesigned Survey" (NCJ-154348), written by Ronet Bachman, Ph.D., a BJS statistician, and Linda E. Saltzman, Ph.D., a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may be obtained from the BJS Clearinghouse, Box 179, Annapolis Junction, Maryland 20701-1079. The telephone number is 1-800/732-3277. Fax orders to 410/792-4358 .

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More Amazing Statistics

Many reports show that 3-4 million women are beaten in their homes each year by either their husbands, or partners.

Here are some other facts and statistics.

1. A women is beaten every
2. 63% of all young men between the ages of 11-20 are serving time for killing their mothers abusers.
3. Women who leave their abusers are at a 75% greater risk of being killed then if they stay in the home.
4. 50% of homeless women with children are on the streets beause of violence in the home.
5. 2000-4000 women are beaten to death annually
6. One out of four women is severely beaten during the course of her marriage.
7. 6 million wives will be abused by their husbands in any one year
8. 95% of all assaults on spouses are committed by men.
9. Women are at more risk of being killed by their current or former male partners than by any kind of assault.
10. Out of 5,745 women murdered in 1991, 6 out of 10 were killed by someone they knew. 1/2 were murdered by a spouse or intimate partner.
11. Two million women are beaten every year.
12. 25% of all women's suicide attempts are preceded by a prior history of battering.

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Why Doesn't She Leave?

National statistics show that 75% of women murdered by their abusive partners are killed in the attempt to leave or after they have left. Statistics from a Domestic Violence Site

There are other reasons of why a woman stays.

One reason as some refer to it is called "Domestic Brainwashing".

That may not sound like something severe, but you only need to know how brainwashing works to realize that it becomes a very effective tool in conrol.

How many cults have you heard of that use brainwashing to control their members. Why? Because it works.

Brainwashing can limit the thinking of the individual to a point where there is no individual thinking.

Some methods of brainwashing that have been verified as effective means of control by pyschiatrists and proven to work are:
1) Sleep Deprivation - Caused by arguments or tension
Result: Exhaustion - This weakens mental and physical abilities
2) Food Deprivation - Caused by stress and sometimes financial
Result: Again weakens mental and physical abilities
3) Degradation - Constant Barrages of Putdowns
Result: Wipes away self esteem and self worth making it easier to control.
4) Isolation - Cannot confide or get support from anyone
Result: Becomes more dependent on abuser
5) Criticisms - You're not worth anything
Result: No self respect, self worth or self esteem
6) Occasional Reprives - When in the honeymoon phase
Result: Conditioning that your good behavior gets his.

A great more about this brainwashing and the effects can be found at Verbal Abuse Journals


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